How important is ecological protection, listen to what Xi Jinping said


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[Preface] "Environment is people's livelihood, green mountains are beauty, blue sky is happiness." It is the dream of every Chinese to have a beautiful home with blue sky, green ground and clean water. Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the protection of the ecological environment and frequently uses vivid remarks to explain. Xinhua News Agency’s "Learning in Progress" sorts out ten exquisite expositions of Xi Jinping’s ecological and environmental protection, and shares with you.

"Green water and green mountains are golden and silver mountains"

We want green water and green mountains, but also gold and silver mountains. It is better to have green water and green mountains than gold and silver mountains, and green water and green mountains are gold and silver mountains. We must not sacrifice the ecological environment in exchange for temporary economic development. We put forward the strategic task of building an ecological civilization and building a beautiful China, leaving a beautiful home with blue sky, green ground and clean water for our children and grandchildren.

——On September 7, 2013, Xi Jinping pointed out when answering student questions at Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan

Green water and green mountains and Jinshan Yinshan are by no means opposites. The key lies in people and the key in thinking. Protecting the ecological environment means protecting productivity, and improving the ecological environment means developing productivity. Let the green waters and green mountains give full play to economic and social benefits, not to destroy it, but to protect it better.

——On March 7, 2014, Xi Jinping pointed out when he participated in the deliberation of the Guizhou delegation

It is necessary to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, delineate the red line of ecological protection, leave enough space for sustainable development, and leave a home with blue sky and clear water for future generations.

——On March 7, 2016, Xi Jinping emphasized when participating in the deliberation of the Heilongjiang delegation

Green water and green mountains are not only gold and silver mountains, but also an important guarantee for the health of the people. Party committees and governments at all levels must attach great importance to the problem of environmental pollution, face the problem squarely, and focus on solving the problem, instead of covering up the problem.

-August 19, 2016, "Speech at the National Health and Health Conference"

"Protect the ecological environment like protecting eyes, treat the ecological environment like life"

The environment is the people's livelihood, the green mountains are beautiful, and the blue sky is happiness. We must focus on promoting ecological environment protection, protecting the ecological environment like protecting eyes, and treating the ecological environment like life.

——On March 6, 2015, Xi Jinping emphasized during the deliberations of the Jiangxi delegation

There are no substitutes for the ecological environment. In the construction of ecological environment protection, we must establish a big picture, long-term and holistic view, adhere to the priority of protection, adhere to the basic national policy of resource conservation and environmental protection, protect the ecological environment like eyes, treat the ecological environment like life, and promote Form a green development mode and lifestyle.

——On March 10, 2016, Xi Jinping emphasized during the deliberations of the Qinghai delegation

"Ecological environmental protection is a career that is in the contemporary and beneficial to the future"

Ecological and environmental protection is a career that has merits in the present and will benefit the future. We must have a clear understanding of the urgency and arduousness of protecting the ecological environment and tackling environmental pollution, and the importance and necessity of strengthening the construction of ecological civilization, with a highly responsible attitude and responsibility to the people and future generations, and truly determined We will control pollution, build the ecological environment, and strive to move towards a new era of socialist ecological civilization, and create a good production and living environment for the people.

——On May 24, 2013, Xi Jinping pointed out during the sixth collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

Building an ecological civilization is a millennium plan for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. We must establish and practice the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, adhere to the basic national policy of saving resources and protecting the environment, treat the ecological environment as life, coordinate the management of landscapes, forests, fields, lakes and grasses, and implement the strictest ecological environmental protection system. Form green development methods and lifestyles, firmly follow the path of civilized development of production development, affluent life, and good ecology, build a beautiful China, create a good production and living environment for the people, and contribute to global ecological security.

——On October 18, 2017, Xi Jinping emphasized in the report of the 19th CPC National Congress

"Placing ecological and environmental protection in a more prominent position"

Building an ecological civilization is a big plan that concerns the well-being of the people and the future of the nation. To realize industrialization, urbanization, informatization, and agricultural modernization, China must embark on a new development path. China clearly puts ecological and environmental protection in a more prominent position.

——On September 7, 2013, Xi Jinping pointed out when answering student questions at Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan

"The growth point of the people's life" "The support point of sustained and healthy economic and social development" "The power point of my country's good image"

Resolutely abandon the development model that damages or even destroy the ecological environment, resolutely abandon the practice of sacrificing the ecological environment in exchange for temporary economic growth, and make a good ecological environment a growth point for people’s lives, a support point for sustainable and healthy economic and social development, and a demonstration of my country The power point of a good image will make the sky of China bluer, mountains greener, water clearer, and environment more beautiful.

——On May 26, 2017, Xi Jinping emphasized during the 41st group study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

"Landscape, forest, lake and lake are a community of life"

We must realize that landscape, forest, lake, and lake are a community of life. The lifeline of man lies in the field, the lifeline of the field is in the water, the lifeline of water is in the mountain, the lifeline of the mountain is in the soil, and the lifeline of the soil is in the tree.

-On November 9, 2013, Xi Jinping pointed out when he gave an explanation on the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues of Comprehensively Deepening Reform" at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Party

"The fairest public product" "The most inclusive people's livelihood"

A good ecological environment is the fairest public product and the most inclusive people’s livelihood. Green mountains, green waters, blue seas and blue skies are the biggest capital for building an international tourist island, which must be cherished and cared for.

——From April 8th to 10th, 2013, Xi Jinping pointed out during his inspection in Hainan

"A treasure that cannot be bought or borrowed"

Green mountains and green waters, blue seas and blue sky are Hainan’s strongest advantage and biggest capital. It is a precious wealth that can neither be bought nor borrowed. If it is destroyed, it is difficult to recover. We must take the protection of the ecological environment as the fundamental foothold of Hainan’s development, firmly establish the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, treat this maritime oasis and this azure blue water like life, and strive to make efforts in building a socialist ecological civilization. Greater achievements.

——From April 11th to 13th, 2018, Xi Jinping emphasized during his inspection in Hainan

"Leave a sustainable'green bank' for future generations"

I hope that Hainan will properly handle the relationship between development and protection, focus on “greening” and “protecting the blue”, set an example for the construction of national ecological civilization, and leave a sustainable “green bank” for future generations.

——From April 8th to 10th, 2013, Xi Jinping pointed out during his inspection in Hainan

Ecological and environmental problems are, in the final analysis, caused by over-exploitation, extensive use, and extravagant consumption of resources. The development and utilization of resources must not only support the present generation to lead a happy life, but also leave a foundation for survival for future generations.

——On May 26, 2017, Xi Jinping emphasized during the 41st collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

"You can't overstep the thunder pond"

The concept of ecological red line must be firmly established. On the issue of ecological and environmental protection, one must not go beyond the thunder pond, otherwise it should be punished.

To establish a system of accountability, those who blindly make decisions regardless of the ecological environment and cause serious consequences must be held accountable, and they should be held accountable for life.

——On May 24, 2013, Xi Jinping pointed out during the sixth collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

We must not be soft on behaviors that destroy the ecological environment, and we must not take it as an example.

——On March 6, 2015, Xi Jinping emphasized during the deliberations of the Jiangxi delegation